A Quiet Place Review

   Movie Summary  

The directorial debut of John Krasinski, starring himself and his real wife Emily Blunt takes us to A Quiet Place.  Just a few years in the future a mysterious creature has wiped out most of humanity.  Those who have survived must rely on silence to keep them alive.

MPAA Rating/Content   

This film is rated PG-13 for terror and some bloody images.  I wouldn't quite classify this as an absolute horror.  It has some jumpy parts, but other than that it isn't terribly scary.  If stepping on nails and bleeding is something that makes you uncomfortable you have been warned.

 My Rating: 10/10   

Watching this movie I couldn't think of a single thing to criticize about it.  It is a movie that roughly half of it is in complete silence, but uses it to it's advantage to carry suspense.  Due to the silence if you are watching this in a theater it's probably not the best one to eat noisy things during.  It is pretty hard to hide the noise they create.  

Now if you have read my reviews for any extensive amount of time you know I don't review too many horror/thriller movies.  This one seemed different to me, and I was right.  I would highly recommend this as an entry point to the genre for someone who doesn't typically enjoy this type of movie. 

It is a pretty short movie, and it keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout.  The on screen chemistry of this family was fantastic.  Particularly between John and Emily; being that they have an advantage with that of course. This was kind of like watching what this real life couple would be doing if this were to actually happen.  It's family themes will strike a core with you, and make you think about what this would be like going through with those you care about. Their willingness do to anything for each other is very believable.

Have you seen it?  What did you think?  Be sure to let me know in the comments and share this review with your friends.  Also if you live in the Magic Valley be sure to see it at Magic Valley Cinema 13!

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-Chase Waldapfel



    I didn’t like it when he died. The daughter just seemed really unintelligent and I was disappointed that she didn’t figure out the frequency until after.

    1. Yeah I kind of thought she would have realized when they were in the corn silo. But being deaf I suppose made it more difficult to tell.


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