Black Panther Review

   Movie Summary  

Black Panther is the next "origin story" film in the MCU.  Although he had a brief introduction in Captain America: Civil War this is the fully fleshed out backstory, and present day events.  It takes place 1 week after the events of his first appearance in the previous film.

The real country of Wakanda is hidden to the outside world.  It appears as a third world farming country, but under the surface it is so much more.

MPAA Rating/Content   

This film is rated PG-13 for prolonged sequences of action violence, and a brief rude gesture.  This is the first time I can remember seeing a rude gesture being listed in a content rating.  I actually had to look it up because I wasn't sure what it was referring to.  Apparently someone is given the middle finger, but I don't recall when exactly that was.  There is no F-bomb in this so I guess that is their equivalent.

"The best MCU film since Captain America Civil War"

   My Rating: 9.5/10   

*What I Liked

I was engrossed in this world of Wakanda.  If you think everything in the trailers looked cool just wait until you see what else it has in store.  The main villain had motive, and like a good villain should they don't necessarily realize what they are doing is wrong.  In their mind they are convinced this is what they must do.  There were some similarities to the relationship between Thor and Loki in this which you should recognize easily.

There was a fun little scene reminiscent of a James Bond film that I enjoyed. All of the characters in this were interesting and I hope we'll see them again.  

*What I didn't Like

This is a very minor thing, but I don't typically like the movies I watch to get political.  While it doesn't beat you over the head with anything it does poke at a few issues in modern day such as refugees, and international travel.  So you may disagree on the film's viewpoints depending on your views on the matter.

Andy Serkis wasn't used much in this either. 

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-Chase Waldapfel
