Baby Driver Review

 Oscar Contender 

Movie Introduction

Baby Driver is the fifth directed film by British director Edgar Wright.  Scott Pilgrim vs. the World being my personal favorite of those five.  If you have seen any of his other works you know well that he has a very unique style compared to other filmmakers.  Although his movies don't bring in huge box office numbers they are always well received critically and have a cult following.  I believe this film may turn the tide though a bit for him financially.

MPAA Rating/Content

This film is rated R for violence and language throughout.  There are several F-bombs used, but still not near the usual threshold you find in R rated comedies these days.  Language isn't too excessive as long as you don't find offense to occasional swearing.   In terms of violence there are several scenes of people getting shot at/killed.  Some fairly bloody aftermath is shown so be cautious if you are sensitive to that.  No real sexual content just a casual mention or two with a couple of the robbers who are an item.

If you've seen the trailers then you know the main character has tinnitus and uses music to drown out the ringing.  There are a few times throughout the movie where it displays the ringing sound, and one scene especially towards the end may be a bit bothersome for people with issues to high frequency noises.  It lasts for roughly ten seconds or so.  

My Rating: 9/10

I really had fun with this one.  It took a little while to get into, but I found that the further and further I delved into the film it started to grow on me.  It's a very unique take on the heist/getaway sort of storyline.  The main characters backstory is addressed really well and you care about why he is the way he is.  The romantic relationship in this is handled excellently, and it is very believable.  It doesn't feel forced at all and you feel for this characters who have nothing, but find each other.

As I mentioned before I think this film will make more than Edgar Wright's previous films.   It's not going to make insane amounts, but with the stink of Transformers last weekend people will be looking for something new and fresh to entertain them.  This is definitely it.  It has a more well known cast than some of  his others and I think will have a broader audience.  Man did I feel cool driving home after watching this movie.  The driving sequences are shot seamlessly.

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  1. Awesome! I plan to see this one opening weekend. I love me some Edgar Wright!

    1. I hope a lot of people do! Not enough people know about him. Thanks for commenting on here! If you wouldn't mind subscribing theres an option on the home page.


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