New Content Coming Soon!

 Hello all,

It has been quite a while since my last review.  I accepted a position of General Manager of my local cinema and that has kept me busy on top of starting a family.  I am finally at a place though where I want to get back into writing movie reviews!  Welcome back if you followed me before and if you are new to the page I hope you find what I have to say helpful in deciding what movies are worth checking out.  I try to point out things that are important to the average movie goer.  I will dive into content you may want to avoid taking kids to or maybe even you want to avoid yourself.  My reviews will cover primarily theatrical releases as I believe that to be the most important way to view new films, but you may see some streaming titles pop up from time to time.  Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer.


Chase Waldapfel

