Movie Summary
The latest Star Wars prequel focuses on a young Han Solo as he interacts with some familiar faces, and comes to be who we know him as today (or used to). Chewbacca and Lando also have major roles in this as we discover more about their characters, and some new faces enter the fold.
MPAA Rating/Content
Solo is rated PG-13 for sequences of sci-fi action and violence. No foul language or questionable content to worry about in this. It stays with the typical Star Wars model in that aspect. Safe to watch with your family.
My Rating: 6.5/10
If I'm being completely honest I really didn't feel like I was watching a Star Wars movie during this. Sure there are recognizable characters and scenarios, but it just felt off to me. I don't think any of the performances were necessarily bad I just kind of feel like this movie in general wasn't needed. Outside of a couple small segments in the scope of things this movie doesn't factor in much.
It wasn't a bad movie, but I wouldn't go as far as saying it was good either. I was just left with a really bland feeling afterwards, and I'm not used to that with a Star Wars film. I know there was a lot of controversy with the production of this and they had to do a lot in a short amount of time. I just don't see the overall point of this movie besides trying to capitalize on the name Han Solo. I hope to see more original content in future films. This was a step backwards in my opinion.
One particular scene/cameo at the very end did get me pretty excited. I am very surprised that it didn't leak ahead of time. This was the only part of the film that got me interested in seeing another film continue the story line of some of the characters. Besides that I think they should just move onto doing a new idea somewhere else in the galaxy. Give us Old Republic already!
Have you seen it? What did you think? Be sure to let me know in the comments and share this review with your friends. Also if you live in the Magic Valley be sure to see it at Magic Valley Cinema 13!
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-Chase Waldapfel
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