Movie Summary
Wes Anderson brings us his second stop motion animated film with Isle of Dogs. Set in Japan with mostly American voice actors this film focuses on a disease outbreak in dogs. All dogs have been banished to a trash island where they must live in quarantine from the outside world. When a young boy crash lands on the island to search for his long lost dog a group of alpha dogs decide to help.
MPAA Rating/Content
Isle of Dogs is rated PG-13 for thematic elements and violence. Although this isn't a film marketed towards kids like many animated films are, it is pretty safe for kids just shy of that 13+ age range. There are a couple vague sexual references, but it is hidden with how dogs would view it.
My Rating: 8/10
Starting with Avengers: Infinity War I am going to try out doing an audio version of my reviews. It will be in video format with clips/pictures of the film being reviewed. These will also include more in depth discussion since the written reviews are pretty short and to the point. I would really appreciate feedback on these from you guys!
Most of my rating here is simply based on how much of a technical achievement this is. When you take into consideration the amount of time and skill that this took to make it is truly incredible. I can't even begin the imagine how they pulled off some of these shots.
The voice cast also does a very good job in this film. You will recognize some of Wes Anderson's go to actors among the dog's voices. The premise is something that is rather silly, but they make it into this big serious thing and it completely works for what they are trying to do. At it's core it is a story about a young boy trying to find his dog. Your inner child will feel for him as he goes through great lengths to achieve this.
My main criticism was that I felt like it overused a particular piece of music too much, and it seemed like we were just repeating similar things over and over. Shaving off 15 minutes would have made it a much more enjoyable watch.
All in all I would recommend it just so you can see how different of a movie this is. It's very refreshing to see something like this when we have so many sci-fi blockbusters shoved down our throats.
Have you seen it? What did you think? Be sure to let me know in the comments and share this review with your friends. Also if you live in the Magic Valley be sure to see it at Magic Valley Cinema 13!
Special Announcement!
Starting with Avengers: Infinity War I am going to try out doing an audio version of my reviews. It will be in video format with clips/pictures of the film being reviewed. These will also include more in depth discussion since the written reviews are pretty short and to the point. I would really appreciate feedback on these from you guys!
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-Chase Waldapfel
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