Lady Bird is a coming of age story loosely based on director Greta Gerwig's personal life. Christine "Lady Bird" is a senior at a Catholic high school in Sacramento, California. Like many teenagers all they want to do is get out of their hometown when they graduate, and she is no different. She is a bit eccentric and is discovering who she wants to be versus who she actually is.
MPAA Rating/Content
Lady Bird is rated R for language, sexual content, brief graphic nudity, and teen partying. There are some themes in here that people will have strong opinions of. Whether you are Catholic or have some similar beliefs you may find offense at various parts. This movie doesn't hold anything back and really shows what's going on in many teenager's lives.
My Rating: 8/10
*What I Liked
*What I didn't Like
Although I'm not exactly the audience this film is targeting I can still appreciate what it was trying to achieve. Especially for a first time director this is an impressive piece. I was a little hesitant on whether I liked the message this movie was trying to create, but it took a much different turn near the end that really made you look back and appreciate what the film brought you through.
As mentioned before there were some questionable themes, and some that I personal don't like to get involved with or agree with. Even though I know that these things portrayed are very real; I kind of like my movies to be more of an escape from that sort of thing. It's going to be a person to person basis so you may feel different than I do. All film is subjective!
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-Chase Waldapfel
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