Movie Summary
Netflix brings us it's highest budget original film to date with Bright hoping to launch a series of "blockbuster" like films on it's streaming platform. This film stars Will Smith, and the concept revolves around mythical creatures like orcs and elves living in our current century. It acts as a metaphor to racial and religious issues in our world today.
TV Rating/Content
Bright is rated TV-MA for violence, blood and gore, language, and sexual themes. If this were theatrically released it would be categorized as a hard R rating. It has too many F-bombs to count, graphic violence, and nudity. The nudity is primarily upper female because there is a certain scene that takes place in a strip club.
My Rating: 3.5/10
*What I Liked
I really like the concept of this. It is something I had never thought about being a fan of the fantasy genre. You never see what a modern world would look like with all of these creatures you associate with more medieval times. It also makes an effort to show the hardships of discrimination among races and religions, and how damaging it can be to an individual.
*What I didn't Like
I was actually kind of into this movie for the first half hour. I thought the initial setup was good, but the farther it got along it just got sillier and sillier. They missed the mark on the potential this could have had. There were quite a few cringe-worthy scenes and dialogue that took place especially towards the end. It also at times felt kind of like an Underworld rip off. The elves looked a little too vampire like. I got to the point where I lost interest fast and couldn't take it seriously any longer.
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-Chase Waldapfel
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