Baywatch Movie Review

Movie Introduction

Summer is starting early with this year's release of the TV to movie adaptation of Baywatch.  Being a little young for Baywatch when it was on television I did not watch more than maybe a few scenes of the show just flipping through channels.  I knew the jist of it going in, but I want to preface here that I was not a viewer of the show, and won't be able to draw any direct TV to film comparisons.  I will however tell you what I though of it and whether I think you should go see it.

MPAA Rating/Content

Baywatch is rated R for language, sexual content, and graphic nudity.  This wasn't the worst I've seen in terms of language.  It seems like any R rated comedy tries to fit in as many F-bombs as it can nowadays.  It certainly has it's fair share, but not to the point where it gets ridiculous.  Being a show based primarily on good looking people, and slow motion jiggling I expected there to be an overkill of sexual content and references.  There was not anymore than we've come to expect with your basic R rated comedy.  If you're wondering what the graphic nudity is it is a brief scene of male frontal nudity while the Rock and Zac Efron's character are looking through the morgue.  And yes it's a dead guys.  There is also a scene of male back nudity, but in this case I would consider that humor.

My Rating: 3/10

I was really hoping for better with this movie.  The first trailer I saw for it in the beginning of the year seemed promising, but as the marketing campaign got further and further along it was looking worse and worse to me.  It was overall just an okay experience.  There were a few times I smiled in the movie, but there wasn't anything that was laugh out loud worthy.  


Baywatch is certainly not for children, and should be cautioned for teenagers wanting to see this film.  Maybe if you were a die hard fan of the show you will enjoy it more than I did, but even then I think you will find that it is not all that great. 

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